Monday, January 2, 2012


Teen Top's album is out for pre order today, and if you pre order it from kpoptown then you get some free stickers!
But anyway, I can afford it! though I wish I had one dollar and eighty cents extra, then I could also buy the poster....
But at least I can afford the album, and that is all that really matters. I am so excited to buy it!
They also came out with a teaser today for the music video and it was perfection!
Fangirling majorly here!
Nobody is awake though, well mom is awake but she is reading so it doesn't really count.
Esme comes back in a week, can't wait!
I made all my Bratz look beautiful yesterday, I also dressed Meygan in a new outfit, she looks awesome! If I had a camera I would take pics of them to post here but, oh well.
I guess that's all, I really just wanted to write about Teen Top. Because no one else is awake so I can't tell someone about this!
Also, look at this I'm writing in the blog again so soon. I think it's because Esme is gone, if she was here I would have just told her all this because she is always awake in the morning.
Anyway, now I guess that's all. Maybe I'll write later, who knows.

1 comment:

  1. :D I see you are taking photos. Also reading certainly counts as awake although I wish I could read in my sleep. I really hate sleeping!
